Saturday, January 23, 2016

Welcome to Pinterest Mom Goals

I don't normally look this fancy.

I like being crafty. Or rather, I like the idea of being crafty. Like so many Pinterest-users before me, I find tons of fun, stylish, and creative blogs and photos online to use as inspiration in my own life--and usually end up never making time to follow through. However, as part of my 2016 New Year's Resolution to write more, and to have a place to save the crafty ideas that I do follow through on, I've started this brand new blog. Unlike my baking blog, this site will be used for sharing a variety of projects that aren't necessarily food related (but could be). I enjoy creating things in both the physical and digital world--so that's crafts and graphic designs. But I especially enjoy creating things that have a purpose, whether that be to decorate my home, become a heartfelt gift, entertain my future children, or inspire others in my profession (I'm a college librarian by day, heavily involved in marketing efforts, and a former youth services specialist who's still passionate about children's literature and programming).

One of my first Pinterest successes!

Nailed it?

To be clear, I am not currently a mom (no surprise buns in this oven). It's one of my goals. Being a perfect Pinterest Mom is the ultimate (though probably unobtainable) goal, and this will be the place to track my progress as I work toward it, sharing my DIY efforts (both successes and failures) with anyone else whose goal is to one day be a Pinterest Mom, or Pinterest Dad, or Pinterest Wife, or Pinterest Librarian. Together, perhaps we can accomplish some of our smaller goals, or at least look at pretty pictures along the way.

Examples of past craftiness to get an idea of what's ahead:

Displaying hobbies doesn't have to be hard.

I bake more than I cook, so this was a rare occasion of romantic meal for two.

Another early Pinterest attempt.

It's sort of a Minion?

Can you tell I like Halloween?

I created this poster in Microsoft PowerPoint for work.

And it wouldn't be complete without a little Star Wars....

Thanks for stopping by!

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